Benji Brand
Benji is a waterman through and through. An avid fisherman, diver, and surfer, Benji is equally comfortable above and below sea level almost anywhere on the planet. His life growing up involved lots of travel between his two homes, Cape Town and the North Shore of Oahu. In-between all those flights Benji was able to touch down and get his toes wet in some of the best waves all over the world giving Benji a unique perspective and versatility.
Benji is consistently getting some of the best rides at all of your dream spots. You couldn't fit all of Benji's best waves in one highlight clip if you tried. Some accomplishments include: 2015 GoPro of the World, 2017 WSL Hawaii Regional Champion, 2018 Surfline Wave of the Winter Outstanding Performance, and the 2019 Rip Curl Padang Padang Cup Champion

5'0" x 19 x 2.44 - 27.2L

Next Step
6'4" x 19 x 2.5 - 30.2L
5'11" x 18.88 x 2.38 - 27.35L
5'0" x 19 x 2.44 - 27.2L
Next Step
6'4" x 19 x 2.5 - 30.2L
5'11" x 18.88 x 2.38 - 27.35L