Follow the shipping rates & guidelines below based on the factory your order is shipping from. Note that GEAR = anything we sell that's not a surfboard. All order are shipped using biodegradable or re-used materials to ensure a better future when you shop Pyzel. Contact for any questions.

U.S. Shipping Rates from CA Factory:

Product Type Shipping Method
 SMALL GEAR (clothing, leashes, traction) 2-8 Day Ground Economy FREE
OVERSIZED GEAR (travel bags, skateboards, etc.) 2-8 Day Ground Economy $60
5'10" & UNDER SURFBOARD FROM CA FACTORY 2-8 Day Ground Economy $75
5'11" SURFBOARD & UP 2-8 Day Ground Economy $145
OVERSIZE BOARD & MULTIPLES 2-10 Day Ground Economy $200
ALL SURFBOARDS TO HI 3-12 Day Cargo Shipping $125

*The rates below are estimated, please add to cart for actual & most recently updated rates. Call our CA factory for any questions (760)688-9570

U.S Shipping Rates from HI Factory:

Product Type Shipping Method Price
 SMALL GEAR (clothing, leashes, traction) 2-8 Day Ground Economy FREE
OVERSIZED GEAR (travel bags, skateboards, etc.) 2-8 Day Ground Economy $65
ALL SURFBOARDS CARGO 2-10 Day Airport Cargo Self-Pickup $100
5'10" SURFBOARD & UNDER TO MAINLAND 2-8 Day Ground Economy $155
5'11" & UP SURFBOARD TO MAINLAND 2-8 Day Ground Economy $325 or more*

*The rates below are estimated, please add to cart for actual & most recently updated rates. Surfboard ground shipping to mainland on board over 5'11" is subject to change, please call our HI factory for questions (808)223-3305

How long will it take for my custom board to be shipped ground?

Once your surfboard order is confirmed by email, it is processed. Your board will go through each manufacturing stage (designing, cutting, shaping, artwork (if applicable), glassing, packing and finally shipping. We try to keep this process under 6 weeks for PU's and under 8 for EPS, but do not guarantee delivery dates.

Once your order is ready, your surfboard is carefully packed with our plastic free packaging. Ground shipping options will ship with FedEx or UPS within 1 week of production finished. Some international shipments may take longer.

Please reach out to with any questions or changes to shipping as Pyzel Surfboards is not responsible for any issues due to insufficient shipping information.

What is required for cargo shipping?

Air cargo is the safest & cheapest way to ship surfboards. The process starts with us booking your surfboards ticket as you would book a seat on an airplane. Once we’ve dropped the box off at the airports cargo office which is normally just outside the main airport terminals, it will take roughly 1-3 days to get to your designated airport where you will be notified by the cargo office when it’s ready for pickup.

Follow these 3 steps for an easy air cargo pickup experience: 

  1. Specify your desired airport at order checkout in the ‘comments’ box. We will send it to the specified airport or reach out if there are any issues. 
  2. Our team does 1 cargo run each week, so your order will normally ship within 5-7 days. Once it is on the way, you will receive a shipping confirmation email including an Air Way Bill # (AWB) with your cargo carriers tracking page link. On this page you will be able to track your order and click on the carriers cargo facility for any information on pickup address, hours, etc. 
  3. Once your package has landed and is ready for pick up all you’ll need is your AWB# & ID handy at the cargo office. We highly recommend checking your board for any damages at the facility, especially if the box looks to be crushed, crunched, protruding, broken, etc. Any damage claims will need to be filed with the cargo agent at the time of pick up. Pyzel is not responsible for any claims not filed at the cargo office 


Can you deliver to a PO Box address?

No, we can not deliver to a PO box address. We arrange to ship boards to an airport near you via Hawaiian Air Cargo, American or Delta. 

What happens if my items gets damaged or lost in the mail?

Any damage needs to be reported within 24 hours of receiving the board. Please message Pyzel Surfboards customer service at the link below or email to report damages. Please include pictures of the packaging, as well as the damaged board. Pyzel’s customer service agent will initiate the damage claim, If shipped via FedEx at times they require direct contact from the customer. Air cargo shipments require being checked and noted upon pickup from the airlines' cargo office We will assist in any way we can to ensure the claim is processed as quickly as possible.

What happens if an item is missing from my order?

Sometimes, orders are sent in multiple packages, as they may not have fit in one. Please contact our customer service team at or message us via the link on our website to check if this is the case. If, in the rare occasion, we have missed an item on your order, we will arrange to have a replacement sent right away.

Can I cancel or change my order?

Please ensure your order is correct before you finish and pay. Orders canceled or unridden surfboards returned within 72 hours of the time it was placed will be charged a 5% processing fee. Surfboard orders canceled after 72 hours will be charged a restocking fee based on the size, construction, and how far along it is in production. This is due to money and time spent working on your board as we want to ensure our employees are paid for their hard work! 

For changes to an order, please reach out to us immediately at . Changes to orders 72 hours after placed are not guaranteed as the blank for your board might have been already cut and moved along the process. Please reach out to us for any questions on changes to your board. 

Can I return an unridden surfboard?

Unridden surfboards must be returned to your closest Pyzel Surfboards factory/store within 72 hours after purchase (for shipped boards, 72 hours after receiving the board), and you will be charged a 5% processing fee.  If a board was shipped, boards will be returned via Fedex (air cargo is unavailable for returns). This return shipment will require a quote and the difference will be deducted from your refund. In the event that a board is damaged in return shipment, we will deduct any repair costs from the refund. Refunds are issued once the board is received and verified as unridden & damage free. Returns are only valid for boards purchased directly from Pyzel Surfboards. Any boards paid in cash, but require return shipping will be issued a store credit for the cost of the board.